Launch of the Association of Business and Human Rights Lawyers: Zurich
The role of business lawyers in promoting respect for human rights by businesses

Zeit & Ort
04. März 2024, 16:45 – 20:00
Zürich, Stampfenbachpl. 4, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland
Über die Veranstaltung
As advisors to their clients and economic actors, lawyers and law firms must respect human rights and play a central role in helping businesses do the same. Leading professional associations, such as the International Bar Association and the Council of European Bars (CCBE), have published guidelines for lawyers, law firms and bar associations on how to meet the challenge. These guidelines are all aligned with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), which are reflected in the principles of the UN Global Compact, which also aims to raise business awareness and encourage them to act in favour of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
This event will be an opportunity to learn about the initiatives led by lawyers, law firms and bar associations to promote respect for human rights and about the activities of the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein which can be a catalyst for such initiatives. The panellists will discuss emerging legislation to mandate human rights due diligence included but not limited to the Swiss law and- as of this writing- the agreement on an EU-wide Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive covering human rights and the environment.
16:45 Registration
17:00 Welcome address and introduction by Daniel Lucien Bühr, Partner, LALIVE
17:15 Presentation of the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein by Antonio Hautle
17:30 Panel discussion followed by Q&A chaired by Simone Nadelhofer, Partner, LALIVE, with
- Prof. Dr Kern Alexander, University of Zurich, Chair for Law and Finance
- Antonio Hautle, Executive Director, UNGC Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein
- Christoph von Toggenburg, Holcim, Group Head of Human Rights and Social Impact
18:30 Closing remarks by Matthias Gstoehl, Partner, LALIVE
18:35 Drinks and Apéro Riche
To register please email
The BHRLA was established to inspire and advance business and human rights leadership, learning, collaboration and practice among commercial law firms and business lawyers around the world. We are keen to expand and broaden our membership and participation across the commercial legal sector. For more information on the BHRLA and how to join, please see on the LALIVE Website here.