GCNSL & öbu: 6th Meeting of the Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chains

Time & Location
29 Sept 2020, 11:45 – 16:30
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd, Ebnatstrasse 111, 8201 Schaffhausen, Schweiz
About the event
The 6th session of the Working Group will take place on 29th September 2020 in Schaffhausen on the premises of Georg Fischer and will focus on .Supplier Engagement in Reducing CO2 Emissions
The meeting will feature
the buyer – supplier relationship and how to engage suppliers in managing their CO2 emissions,
the methods and tools available to drive and support suppliers’ CO2 reductions,
the integration of suppliers’ CO2 emission data.
11.45 - 12.00 Arrival and welcome 12.00 - 12.30 A guided tour through Georg Fischer's exhibition (optional) 12.30 - 13.15 Light Lunch at Georg Fischer (optional)
13.15 - 13.20 Introduction GCNSL & öbu 13.20 - 14.00 Georg Fischer: Sustainability requirements from a supplier’s perspective 14.00 - 14.40 Barilla: Wasa - the market leader going CO2 neutral and beyond
14.40 - 15.00 Break
15.00 - 15.40 Infras AG: Climate Change: Insights into the impacts on international supply chains 15.40 - 16.30 Plenary discussions
The Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chains was launched by GCNSL and öbu in Bern in February 2019.
Please note that this Working Group is open for öbu and/or UN Global Compact members only. If you are not a member but you are interested in joining the Working Group, please get in touch with or .Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtensteinöbu