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Swiss NAP: Promotion of the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights

The Federal Council expects companies based and/or operating in Switzerland to respect human rights in all their activities, wherever they operate. For this purpose the Swiss National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights (NAP) has been elaborated. The NAP articulates priorities and actions to implement the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) 

The UNGPs have become the internationally recognized framework providing a blueprint for concrete steps businesses should take to respect human rights (human rights due diligence). The 31 Guiding Principles are based on three pillars: The State duty to protect, corporate responsibility to respect and access to remedy. 


As part of our collaboration with the Swiss Federal Administration and focusright in promoting the UNGPs, this page offers an overview on events and key resources commanded by the Federal Council to raise awareness of companies and help them to implement human rights due diligence.

Slides and Recordings from Past Events

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Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected or High-Risk Areas
What companies need to know & act upon

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« Swiss Forum Business and Human Rights » 2023 
 Could your company potentially have a negative impact on human rights?

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 Webinar on certifications, social audits and supplier management tools  
Contributions and limitations of voluntary sustainability schemes

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Introduction to Human Rights Due Diligence
In German, French, English and Italian


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Human Rights Due Diligence in conflict-affected areas
Focus situation in Russia & Ukraine



Podcast Series on the Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence

Series of four podcasts


Introduction Explainer Videos
Access the playlist of introductory videos to HRDD & Human Rights Risk Assessment in English, German, French & Italian

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What does effective
human rights risk
management look like?
5 insights from practice


Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights


Practical Guide on Human Rights Due Diligence

Available in German, French, Italian & English


Q&A responsible business in conflict-affected & high-risk areas

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