Getting Started: The Case for Action on Living Wage
Session 1 of the Living Wage Deep Dive Series

Zeit & Ort
13. Nov. 2024, 15:00 – 16:30
Über die Veranstaltung
Living Wage Deep Dive Series
A living wage is an essential component of decent work and a cornerstone of sustainable development, contributing directly to several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is an integral part of a people-centered sustainability approach. Yet, over a billion working people worldwide - roughly a third of all workers - are estimated to earn less than they need to afford a decent standard of living.
With this in mind and against the backdrop of the inclusion of a living wage in the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), as well as a new tripartite agreement by the International Labour Organization, companies are increasingly taking action to ensure a living wage.
Paying a living wage is not only an important component of corporate social responsibility, but also offers businesses significant opportunities. Committing to being a living wage employer supports a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce, reduces turnover costs and addresses the concerns of consumer, investor, and shareholder regarding respect for workers' rights. Additionally, it enhances supply chain resilience and strengthens relationships.
Over the course of three Deep Dive Sessions, the Living Wage Series offers companies and non-business stakeholders an introduction to key components of a living wage.
Session 1 | Getting Started: The Case for Action on Living Wage
This session will explain central elements of the wage setting process and how by committing to achieving living wages in their value chain, companies can reinforce and catalyse a much wider range of sustainable development and human rights commitments. Through this webinar, participants will gain a better understanding of recent regulatory developments, the role of estimates and social dialogue as well as practical steps to get companies started on their living wage journey.
Learn from the following expert speakers on how they are achieving living wages in their value chain:
● Elva López Mourelo, Project Manager, “Setting Adequate Wages”, International Labour Organization
● Pauline Osse, Co-Founder and Living Wage Lead, WageIndicator Foundation
● Florianne Viala, Group Director, Compensation and Benefits, Michelin Group
Learn more and register for the other two sessions here.