GCNSL & öbu: 14th Meeting of the Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Time & Location
31 Aug 2023, 12:15 – 17:00
Sulzer AG, Neuwiesenstrasse 15, 8401 Winterthur, Switzerland
About the event
The Working Group Sustainable Supply Chain Management is a knowledge-sharing plattform for Swiss companies founded in 2019 by the Swiss Business Council for Sustainable Development (öbu) and UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein (GCNSL).
In the 14th meeting the group will focus on questions relating to grievance mechanism and whistleblowing in the supply chain. As we would like to have a lively debate where everyone can share their challenges and insights, please let us know by email (fabienne.sigg@globalcompact.ch) if you are willing to share your experiences and reflections on the topic with the group.
12:15 Arrival & welcome
12:30 Light Lunch at Sulzer (optional, only upon registration)
Meeting of the Working Group
13.30 Welcome by GCNSL & öbu
13:45 Welcome & corporate input by Thomas Robisco, Sulzer
14:15 Expert input by Richa Mittal, Fair Labor Association
14:45 Break
15:15 Corporate input by Lussja Krieger, Aldi Suisse
15:45 Corporate input by Christina Krumbiegel, Novartis
16:15 Q&A and discussion
16:45 Wrap-up & Closing
Language: English
Please note that this Working Group is only open for producing companies that are members of öbu and/or the UN Global Compact. If you are not a member but you are interested in joining the Working Group, please get in touch with Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein or öbu.