Responsible Impact Board Program - Human Rights Due Diligence
The search for solutions to global megatrends and challenges such as cyber-attacks, climate change or poverty are increasingly influencing the work of the board of directors.

Time & Location
06 Oct 2022, 16:30 – 18:30 CEST
Zurich & online, Hegibachstrasse 47, 8032 Zürich, Switzerland
About the event
Chapter Zero Switzerland, engageability and the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein in collaboration with ESG Competent Boards and the Swiss Board School are organizing two board sessions. It is designed by and for board members to embrace a future fit mindset, address key sustainability issues and think ahead.
Download the flyer for the Responsible Impact Board Program here.
Companies face increasing scrutiny of their social and environmental performance from a variety of stakeholders and according to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights have a corporate responsibility to respect human rights in its operations and in their supply chains. They will increasingly be held accountable for human rights and child labour and corporate boards are being held accountable. For example in Switzerland, companies have to conduct due diligence in the supply chain and report thereon regarding child labour according to OR 964. The board of directors play a key role in supporting human rights and must approve this report.
- Learn about regulatory frameworks and the due diligence obligations in Switzerland and abroad
- Understand the liability of the board of directors
- Get insights into the human rights due diligence of a multinational company
- Discuss the implications of these developments for the board of directors
Magali Anderson, Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer, Holcim Ltd.
Prof. Dr. Christine Kaufmann, Chair at OECD Working Party on Responsible Business Conduct, Centre for Human Rights Studies, University of Zurich
This event is organized in cooperation with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). It is part of measure 3 “Promotion of UN Guiding Principles” of the Swiss National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights 2020-2023. For more information, please refer to:
On the 17th of November, there will be a second session of this program. If you interested, please sign up here.