Feedback Workshop TNFD framework v0.4

Time & Location
10 May 2023, 09:00 – 12:00
About the event
On March 28 TNFD will release the TNFD Framework version 0.4. As part of our activities as co-convenor of the TNFD consultation group, Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) and UN Global Compact Network Switzerland and Liechtenstein (GCNSL), will be hosting two events: a one-hour informational webinar giving information on the version 0.4 and a three-hour feedback workshop to obtain member input for the TNFD.
Following our informational webinar on the v0.4 release, in this workshop the consultation group aims to gather feedback on the v0.4 TNFD Framework to contribute towards the TNFD's final release in September.
The workshop will consist mainly of a discussion of the framework for which the group will be joined by Alison Bewick, Head of Group Risk Management at Nestlé and Taskforce Member as well as Judson Berkey, MD, Group Head Engagement and Regulatory Strategy at UBS and Taskforce Member. Ideally, you will make yourself familiar with the framework v0.4 prior to the workshop.
The workshop is open for participants of the GCNSL and SSF as well as TNFD Forum members.