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Workshop TNFD framework v0.3

Workshop TNFD framework v0.3
Workshop TNFD framework v0.3

Time & Location

12 Jan 2023, 09:00 – 12:00

Online Workshop

About the event

In this workshop, Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) and the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein (GCNSL), aim to gather feedback on the v0.3 TNFD Framework. This will be submitted to TNFD after the workshop and inform the v0.4, which will be released in March 2023.

The workshop will consist mainly of a discussion of the framework, with an introductory section by Judson Berkey. You can find the detailed progarmme here. Ideally, you will make yourself familiar with the framework v0.3 prior to the workshop.

The webinar is for SSF and GCNLS members only. If you would like to participate, please get in contact with Fabienne Sigg:

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