In 2023 a dedicated project team in Schaan, Liechtenstein, decided on a unique way to educate the public on sustainability and raise awareness on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): they built a 35-meter tower with an interactive exhibition that explains how everyone can contribute to a better and more sustainable future.
The tower project "Ich, die Zukunft” (in English: “I, the Future") is an exhibition, dialogue platform, and meeting place where various events are held over the course of 17 weeks (standing for the 17 SDGs) to address relevant sustainability topics. In addition, visitors can enjoy the spectacular view of the surrounding mountains from the observation deck at the top of the tower on the 10th floor.
During the exhibition, visitors experience insights and food for thought on biodiversity, society and generations, economy and growth, regionality, food and agriculture, as well as Liechtenstein's sustainability goals. Almost daily, additional events take place where various organisations, associations, and companies host discussions, lectures, and social events to facilitate the exchange of information.
The UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein had the pleasure of hosting several events on the importance of sustainability in the private sector.
On Friday, June 24 we explored how businesses, both SMEs and large companies, can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to foster a more sustainable and inclusive economy. The event was an open dialogue, where attendees had the opportunity to delve into the topic, ask critical questions, and gain valuable insights. The session featured representatives from the UNGC participants LGT and Liebherr, who shared their sustainability journeys, providing firsthand accounts of their experiences and the challenges they encountered while implementing responsible business practices.
On Saturday we organized an interactive event where the public was invited to learn more about sustainability and the SDGs. Visitors of all ages were welcomed to immerse themselves in various activities, games, quizzes, and even a friendly competition. The event provided an enjoyable platform for people to learn more about sustainability in an approachable and engaging way. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of sustainability and the role that individuals can play in achieving the SDGs.
The activities showcased the interconnectedness of the SDGs and how their achievement can positively impact our planet and society. The event served as a reminder that sustainability is not just an abstract concept but something that can be integrated into our daily lives. Watch our Instagram reel for more insights.
It was a pleasure and an honour for our network to be part of "Ich, die Zukunft'. Projects and events like this not only raise awareness of the importance of sustainability, but also serve as catalysts for collaboration and knowledge sharing between companies, associations, and society.
We are excited to be back at the Liechtenstein tower on July 19, 2023 for another evening session targeted at businesses.
Let us all be inspired by this tower and continue to work together to create a more sustainable and inclusive world for the benefit of present and future generations. Together, we can make a difference!